Below is an excerpt from Tom Patton's post at the Jacksovnille Observer. Check out the full article at
Three jobs per unemployed person. That’s an impressive statistic, isn’t it?
The online job aggregator has determined that, based on the job listings for Jacksonville, there are three job postings available for every unemployed person in the city.
That’s the second highest in the nation.
So, you might ask, why are we not at full employment? Why is anyone out of a job? Why aren’t employers clamoring for employees, paying way over market value for any warm body to fill positions?
The question becomes, are they real jobs?
If there were truly three actual jobs for every job seeker in Jacksonville, the Worksource meetings wouldn’t be full to overflowing. It’s easy to go online and post a job to an service. But if you eliminate all the duplications, the franchise or multi-level marketing “opportunities”, and the ridiculous things like “Plasma Donor”, you might have much better picture of the actual opportunities that are available. For those, applicants might need a high level of specialized education for things like RN, LPN or other medical fields, or some very specific experience.
If, with all that, there are three postings for every job seeker in this market, what must the true employment picture be like in a place like Detroit, where there is one posting listed for every 18 people looking for work?
This excerpt adds information about the nature of the unemployment problem in the region. There is a mismatch between the characteristics of available jobs and the disposition of available workers. The jobs tend to be low-paying and short-term, thus, they are unappealing to workers who are accustomed to higher-paying jobs with more security.