A recent survey by the First Coast Manufacturers Association, found that businesses and the general public agree on their number 1 concern - jobs and unemployment.
Top economic issues facing Northeast Florida
What do you think are the top three economic issues facing Northeast Florida today? (Multiple responses accepted; 12 issues identified.)
Jobs/unemployment 46%
Education/training of workforce 19%
Housing market 16%
General public:
Jobs/unemployment 55%
Slow real estate market 19%
(Tie) Housing market 17%
(Tie) Health care costs 17%
Strongest industries in Northeast Florida
Among 15 listed industries, which ones do you feel are stronger sectors for the economy of Northeast Florida, which are weaker and which are about average compared to the United States as a whole? Think in terms of a typical business year when the economy is not in recession. Top three considered stronger than average
Health care 44%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 32%
Transportation and warehousing 29%
General public:
Health care 29%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 25%
Transportation and warehousing 17%
Performance of the regional economy
Compared to one year ago (mid-2009), do you think that the regional economy of Northeast Florida is getting better, getting worse or is about the same as it was one year ago?
About the same 43%
Getting better 40%
Getting worse 14%
Not sure/no response 3%
General public:
About the same 39%
Getting worse 37%
Getting better 20%
Not sure/no response 4%
High-priority industries
How would you like to see the economy of Northeast Florida develop over the next 10 years? Of industries listed, indicate whether you would make the industry a high priority, medium priority or low priority for economic development. Top high-priority industries
(Tie) Manufacturing 65%
(Tie) Health care 65%
Professional, scientific and technical services 60%
Information technology 59%
General public:
Health care 70%
Information technology 57%
Professional, scientific and technical services 48%
Career recommendations
If your child or another young person came to you for advice on choosing a career, which of the following industries would you be most likely to encourage them to consider? (Respondents could choose up to three from a list of 11.) Top three responses
Information technology 61%
Health care 51%
Professional, scientific and technical services 50%
General public:
Health care 63%
Information technology 61%
Professional, scientific and technical services 45%
Facilities to support
If an employer could create 1,000 new jobs in Northeast Florida by establishing a new business facility, what type of business facility would you support? (Respondents could choose up to three from a list of 10.) Top responses
Manufacturing 52%
(Tie) Professional, scientific and technical services 44%
(Tie) Information technology 44%
(Tie) Transportation and warehousing 30%
(Tie) Health care 30%
General public:
(Tie) Information technology 45%
(Tie) Health care 45%
Professional, scientific and technical services 38%
Manufacturing 30%
Ulrich Research Services Inc. of Orange Park prepared the survey, which involved 252 business respondents invited by regional and county chambers of commerce and 228 members of the general public. Neither group knew the manufacturers’ association was the sponsor of the survey.
Read the entire article, "Jobs No 1 Issue", by Karen Brune Mathis and featuring an interview with Lad Daniels (Former Jacksonville City Council President and First Coast Manufacturers Association President) at the Financial News and Daily Record
Given the design of the cited survey and its meager sample sizes, its findings are of questionable validity and should be interpreted with caution. Many of the findings of this survey are not overly revealing. The results reaffirm those yielded by many other economic surveys administered recently. That is, jobs and unemployment are the most pressing issues facing the regional and national economy. Yes, “health care” and “transportation and warehousing” are strong industries in the region, but is “agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting”? Though these were strong industries in the past, they have been on the wane in recent years. If “agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting” is one of the strongest industries in the region, it highlights a glaring weakness in the foundation of the regional economy. The remainder of the survey results seem to illustrate that many in the region feel the industries of the future are ones that provide services to others. Yes, the demand for health care and information technology services will likely grow, but is that the case with other sectors? What seems to be lacking is the belief that the regional economy needs more industries that produce products others want or need.