About this study

Recession Recovery Study Issue Statement

How can Northeast Florida retain existing jobs and quickly create new jobs, while best positioning the region for long-term economic growth?

The JCCI Study will:

• Identify existing job development plans, including the economic development strategies and long-term objectives for targeted industry sectors.

• Understand Northeast Florida’s strengths and challenges in retaining and expanding existing local businesses, attracting business relocations, and encouraging business start-ups.

• Examine the existing public and private players in economic development in Northeast Florida, including their roles and relationships to each other.

• Explore successful job retention and creation models in other communities, including regions that compete with Northeast Florida for economic development.

• Recommend specific strategies for Northeast Florida to retain jobs and quickly create jobs, while best positioning the region for long-term economic growth.

Approved by the Board: May 21, 2010
Approved by the Management Team: September 30, 2010
Approved by the Study Committee: October 20, 2010

Recession Recovery Study Chair, Elaine Brown

Elaine Brown is a long-time resident of Jacksonville and the Beaches. She is the former owner of Promotions Network and Conventions Planners, Inc., and is a licensed Realtor. For the past three years, Ms. Brown has been a principal with Killashee Investments, LLC, specializing in commercial real estate.

Ms. Brown served on the Jacksonville City Council from 1999-2007, and was elected President of the Council for 2004-2005. She has been called on throughout the years to lend her expertise and visionary leadership to a number of boards, committees and blue-ribbon task forces, including the following:

• Chair, Jacksonville and Its Beaches Convention and Visitors Bureau
• Downtown Development Authority
• Chair, Downtown Master Plan Task Force
• Chair, City of Jacksonville Multi-Modal Task Force, which studied the feasibility of creating a transportation center near the Prime Osborn Convention Center
• Chair, City of Jacksonville Affordable Housing Task Force
• Member of the Boards of Directors of Cultural Council of Jacksonville, Community Connections, Bridge of Northeast Florida, Cathedral Arts Project and March of Dimes
• Chair, Beaches Division of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce
• Chair, JCCI study on “Recession Recovery and Beyond”
• President, Northeast Florida Regional Council

In 2007, Ms. Brown’s contributions to the Northeast Florida Region were recognized with the Regional Award for “Excellence in Affordable Housing” from the Northeast Florida Regional Council. That same year, Ms. Brown was honored as a “Woman of Influence” by the Jacksonville Business Journal.

In 2009, Governor Charlie Crist appointed Ms. Brown to the Northeast Florida Regional Council where she has served as chair of the Planning and Growth Management Committee and now serves as President of the Council. Ms. Brown is married to Jacksonville City Councilman Richard A. Brown.

Receccsion Recovery Management Team
Elaine Brown (Chair), Killashee Investments
Ron Barton, JEDC
Cathy Chambers, Cornerstone Regional Partnership
Yank Coble, Healthcare and Bioscience Council of NE FL
Lad Daniels, First Coast Manufacturers Association
John Edwards, Northeast Florida Community Action Agency
Bruce Ferguson, WorkSource Development, Inc.
Ken Hamilton, Small Business Administration
Mia Jones, Florida House of Representatives
Joanne Kazmierski, Jacksonville Port Authority
Kellie Jo Kilberg, Clay County Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Paul Mason, University of North Florida
Alex McCoy, Putnam County Chamber of Commerce
Greg Rawls, Enterprise Flagler
Darryl Register, Baker County Chamber of Commerce
Steve Rieck, Nassau County Economic Development Board
Nick Sacia, St. Augustine & St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce
Jeff Sheffield, North Florida TPO
Joe Whitaker, JEDC