Friday, July 23, 2010

Who is responsible for job creation in Northeast Florida?

Baker County Chamber of Commerce, Development Commission
During the past 30 years the chamber has strived to support the local business community and also attract new businesses to locate here. Our goal for economic development is to attract business that not only pay higher wages, but also make large investments in their facilities and equipment, to increase the county tax base.

Clay County Chamber of Commerce: Economic Development Division
The Economic Development division is a separate department within the Clay County Chamber of Commerce with its own budget and funding sources. The principle purpose of the Economic Development Advisory Board is to advance the economy and to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Clay County through coordinated business recruitment and business retention/expansion activities.

Jacksonville Economic Development Commission
The mission of the JEDC is to develop and execute policies that result in sustainable job growth, rising personal incomes and a broader tax base throughout Northeast Florida.
The JEDC achieves its mission through five main objectives:
1. Recruit and expand higher wage job opportunities
2. Promote and encourage private capital investment
3. Increase the growth and expansion of small business
4. Promote and leverage investment in economically distressed areas
5. Promote a healthy and vibrant downtown

Cornerstone Regional Development Partnership
Cornerstone is Jacksonville and Northeast Florida's regional economic development initiative. Cornerstone is a private, nonprofit division of the Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce. Our purpose is to facilitate the creation and retention of quality jobs and significant capital investment, resulting in a higher standard of living and a better quality of life in Northeast Florida. Counties in the region are Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, Putnam and St. Johns.

Small Business Development Center at University of North Florida
More than 90 percent of all businesses in the U.S. are small. Small businesses are truly the backbone of our economy, employing more than 60 percent of all workers and creating 80 percent of all new jobs. Small Business Development Centers have assisted hundreds of thousands of potential and existing business owners by providing the management advice, training and information they need to start, grow, and profit.

Enterprise Flagler
Enterprise Flagler, in partnership with local governments, seeks to enhance, promote and develop the industrial and commercial growth of Flagler County. Unique to Enterprise Flagler is its dedicated focus to both industrial and commercial growth now and into the 21st century. The challenge is to create an atmosphere for economic expansion through the promotion and retention of industry and business by developing programs to actively and aggressively attract new business and jobs to Flagler County.

It is our goal to:
-Promote the existing business community
-Recruit new businesses to the area that enhance our growing community
-Help you develop and expand your business through the assistance of this office and the assets we can provide your company
-Provide you with a level of business service that has not existed here before
-Create a level of communication between education, government, and the private sector. This cooperative spirit promotes business expansion, business growth, and entrepreneurism that strengthens all businesses allowing them to create new job opportunities for the citizens of Flagler County.

Flagler County Chamber of Commerce
The mission of the Flagler County Chamber of Commerce & Affiliates is to help our business community thrive.

Nassau County Economic Development Board
The Nassau County Economic Development Board is a non-profit organization formed in 1995 as a public-private partnership to provide leadership and develop policies and programs that will foster a diversified and financially strong business community, which will enhance the quality of life in Nassau County. The NCEDB is committed to help broaden and diversify the local tax base and to assist with the creation of high-quality, diversified jobs within all areas of Nassau County.

Putnam County Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Authority: Economic Development Council
The Putnam County Economic Development Council (PCEDC) is a public / private non-profit organization that works to broaden the economic base and create new economic opportunities for Putnam County area residents. The PEDC is governed by a steering committee, comprised of government officials and business leaders.
Mission: To facilitate economic development by new job creation by attracting new businesses and existing business expansion.

St. Augustine/ St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce: Economic Development Council
The mission of the Economic Development Council is two fold: To bring new business and industry into the community, and to help existing business and industry to prosper.

1 comment:

  1. Logan Cross1/13/2011

    Though somewhat diverse, the mission statements for the regional economic development entities or bodies have common threads. They are committed to improve the quality of life of their constituents through business development or importation that will result in job creation and/or enhancement. As expected, each mission statement reflects the characteristics and needs of the area they represent. Another commonality is the failure to emphasize, and a focus on, workforce development. This is a striking omission given the importance of workforce capacity to business development and marketing campaigns to lure new businesses. How frequently is education level of the populace and/or workforce capacity cited as critical elements in economic development?

    If the thrust of the JCCI study is to provide recommendations for regional economic development, it seems appropriate to recommend formation of regional economic goals and/or a plan. These goals, or the plan, would provide a common direction for the regional economic development entities. These entities could have their own unique plans, but they should strive to align many of their goals with those of the region. This would lead to a degree of regional systemic planning that would lead to much needed collaboration.
